Sunday, January 10, 2010

Post-Op Weight Loss

Finally the weight is coming off. I was banded on 1/4 (6 days ago) and in the time I have lost around 12 lbs. I am so excited. If my average holds, tomorrow I will be under 200 lbs. I know this is a much more difficult task and many have been over 200 lbs for longer than me. But years ago I told myself I would never go over 200 lbs and last year I did. So to be back under 200 lbs is a great feeling!!! I know I will feel even better at below 150 but one milestone at a time.

I feeling pretty good. I can eat and drink (liquids only) really well. The only problem is I have been off of work for a week and the only thing on TV that interests me is the food channel so I have all these crazy cravings. I think I feel like if I can't eat I can at least look at it or dream of the meals I will eat when I am back to normal food.

I think my only real issue is that what I do eat goes right through me within a half an hour. I know I shouldn't be discussing this but it is worth mentioning. Nobody has spoken of this problem so I am wondering is it just me? I guess I will be going to the bathroom a lot tomorrow at work. Hope nobody notices...

1 comment:

  1. I was banded on 1/7...and I have no problem with liquids running through me, sorry! I saw your blog URL on LBT and thought I'd come say hi! I took a week off work as well to help recover, but since I just had my surgery, I've got another week off to go!

    I don't know what kind of work you do, but I'd recommend you absolutely take care of yourself. If you need to go to the bathroom, go. Don't hurt yourself or your body in the healing process (takes a good month to heal) by holding it in. Do people at work know you had this done? Are you afraid of being embarassed? I think we've made the best decisions of our lives to do this...don't be scared. Suck it up, and go to the bathroom! Besides, the constant walking to the bathroom and back will help, right??
